Saturday, 27 September 2014

Quick Sketches

Some quick sketches of Buster and the design, I'm still working on body shape and clothing etc, I'm trying to improve my drawing, It needs some work - I'm out of practice since uni mainly doing stuff digitally now (silly me) :S

Friday, 26 September 2014

Continuations of Buster Character Design - More Face Designs

Another few designs for the main character, the large one with the crazy hair is the winner I think. So I’m going to develop the character based on this design.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Continuation of Buster Character Designs - Line Work

I added some line work etc on the drawings to get some more finished designs. I did these about 3 weeks ago and have a back log of work, so its tempting to put them all up in one day but I don't want to bombard this blog all at once. So more progress of the design tomorrow. 

Continuation of Buster Character Design

Here's some sketches for more idea's for that character I'm working on. I've slowly been creating digital versions of these drawings, maybe making the character look less crazed. I will put those up soon :) 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Bringing Up Buster

So I've been working on a new character design for a story I'm developing, mainly for the fun, but also to develop my style and portfolio. I have a few idea's for the main character whom I have called Buster (old habits die hard), Now I am just developing some designs, here is just the first of many. Hope you enjoy :)

Grad Film Spark

Screenshots from the graduate film I Directed with the help of awesome people. I designed the main character and am crazy happy that I got to experience creating a grad film and we finished it GO US!